Logo Development

I spent a while designing a few different logo ideas, here are a few of the ones that I still really like but are not quite up to standard.




These are all great logos, but I tweaked it by combing a mix of all of them and made something I am really fond of. The first is really simple and effective with the third also being very simple and effective. The middle logo could look a little odd, especially from a distance as it looks almost like army camouflage. It also wouldn’t work very well in black and white (I’ve tried, trust me, it looks rubbish!).

However, the next logo is the final logo that I will be using for this project, I’m really happy with this one.


As I’ve said before it takes elements from all of the other logos and combines them to create a a beautiful harmonious logo (in my opinion at least haha!)


Hello and welcome to my new blog!

For a while I’ve been meaning to make a blog but just haven’t found the time to do so. However, one of the modules in my second year of university is Web Design, and for this module we have to create a blog, so here it is! I hope you like it. I will be posting any research, development and ideas on this page, it will also be a place to showcase some of my new work.